You Are It
Fun ways to choose who will be "it" at the start of a game.

How To Choose Who Is It For Kids Games
Coin FlipOne player flips a coin into the air. While it is in the air another player
calls out "heads" or "tails". If the coin lands with the picture of the
person face up that is "heads". If it lands with the opposite side facing
up it is "tails". This works well for 2 players - for a larger group break
off into groups of two and the winners face off against each other.
Sometimes players will do "best 2 out of 3" ... or "best 4 out of 5".
If you don't have a coin you can use any small flat object such as a button,
washer or bottle cap. Just be sure to agree beforehand which side is heads
and which side will be tails.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Players make two fists and hit them on top of each other twice ... then the
third time they make a symbol with their hand. The three symbols you can
make are Rock, Paper and Scissors.
Rock - Hand is kept in a fist.
Paper -
Hand is flattened out.
Scissors - Hand is held with two fingers out.
The winner is determined as follows:
Rock - beats Scissors
Paper - beats (covers) Rock
Scissors - beats Paper
If players choose the same item it is a draw.
Sky Blue(Quick
and easy!)
One, two, sky blue,
all out except
"It" rhymes
These rhymes are used for larger groups of children. Children stand in a circle
and each put a fist into the center. One person starts on each syllable
uses their fist to tap the top of each child's fist. The last one they hit
either is "it" or is removed from the circle depending on the rhyme.
Engine, Engine
Engine, engine, number nine
going down the county line.
If the train falls off the track,
do you want your money back?
(Person who's fist is tapped on the syllable
"back" chooses either yes or no - then that word is spelled out, one letter per
If yes: Y - E - S spells yes and you shall have your money back.
If no: N - O spells no and you don't get your money back.
One Potato,
Two Potato
One Potato, Two PotatoOne potato, two potato, three potato, four.
Five potato, six potato, seven
potato, more.
Player who had their fist tapped on "more" would remove
themselves from the circle and the rhyme would begin again - the player who was
left from the group would be it.
Eenie, meenie,
minie moeEenie, meenie, minie, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe,
If he hollers,
let him go,
Eenie meenie,
minie, moe.
meenie, minie moe
catch a tiger by the toe,
if he hollers,
pay fifty dollars ....
My mother told me to pick the very best one and you
are not it.
Ick - a, Bick - a
Ick-a Bick-a soda crack-a
Ick-a, Bick-a boo,
Ick-a, Bick-a soda
Out goes you.
Inka Binka Bottle of Ink
Inka Binka
bottle of ink,
the cork fell out and you stink,
not because
you're dirty,
not because you're clean,
but because you kissed
a (boy or girl)
behind a magazine ...
and you are now it.
Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum Bubble gum, bubble gum
in a
How many pieces
do you wish? (The
player who's fist is tapped on the syllable "wish" picks a number and then the
tapping of fists continues the amount of that number.) Then ...
My mother told me to pick the very best one and you are not it.