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Salesperson Mall Scavenger Hunt List


Salesperson Mall Scavenger hunt list


In this different type of Mall Scavenger Hunt teams must ask salespeople in the mall for items on their list. 

The items listed below (over 40 of them!) are things that salespeople should be able to give the teams free of charge.   

The Salespeople must sign the checklist or send a business card to verify that it was given to the team. 

No two items can be acquired at the same store.



Free Mall Scavenger Hunt List
For directions on how to play see theMall Scavenger Hunt page

Free for non-commercial use - if posting on the web please use a link back - birthday party ideas.  Thank you!

Scoring for the Salesperson Mall Scavenger Hunt: 

5 points for each item teams bring back. 
No two items may be from the same store.  
Salespersons initials required on all items.

10 point bonus for first team to arrive at the meeting place

10 point deduction for every instance of running, screaming or being rude to salespeople or shoppers

1 point deduction for every minute teams are late to the meeting place.



1Shopping bag -
3 point for the largest bag
3Menu from a restaurant
4Blue thread or string
5 Paper clip
8French Fry - can not buy it
9Employment application
10Credit card application
11 Straw from restaurant
123 Business Cards -
10 point bonus if one is named Mark
13Old receipt
14Tissue paper
17Food sample
18Blue eye shadow -
3 point bonus if all members wear it
21Name Tag
26Mall Map
27Bead or Sequin
28Company letterhead
29Something broken a store was going to throw away
30Store display (fixture, mannequin, poster)
10 point bonus for team with largest one
31Piece of tape
32Red Marker
33Empty video, DVD or game case
34Gift card envelope
35Safety Flyer -
7 point bonus
37 50 % off sign -
5 point bonus
38 Paper merchandise bag with handles
39Price sticker or price tag
40 Clearance sticker
41Open or Closed sign -
5 point bonus
More Mall Scavenger Hunts -
8 different ideas!
Mall Scavenger Hunts







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